asdesign 95 - birou arhitectura

As design (95) nu doar design.


Corporate information -
The company was established in december 1995. Astrid Rottman – architect, Bogdan Pop – architect, together with their team have already a reputation in Bucharest. Prior 1995 both senior architects worked in Israel.  
Professional standards -
The company works to the highest professional standards, in accordance with the guidelines set by AIA and the Romanian Order of Architects.    
Company management -
Asdesign 95 with over 16 years of practical experience, is able to provide  professional services, combining western standards and methodology with the complexities of the local permitting regulation and construction industry. Since 1995, the company has succesfully completed over 100 projects.    
Assurance -
Both architects are insured and bonded at the Assurance Company OMNIASIG.

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La inceput aproape tot ce conteaza sunt aspectele pragmatice. Adica cum raspundem mai avantajos pentru client, ca birou de arhitectura, constrangerilor urbanistice si economice: inaltime maxima, ocupare maxima a terenului, pret minim pe metru patrat, etc. Constrangerile birocratice si cele tehnologice ni le asumam, asigurand astfel si managementul de proiect sau consultanta in constructii in functie de proiect.
Apoi, incet-incet, ducem lucrurile catre o abordare speciala. Data fiind valoarea ridicata a unei investitii imobiliare, incercam impreuna cu clientul sa creeam o cladire de semnatura.
Continuam cu evaluarea disponibilitatii clientului de a-si asuma unele riscuri culturale si tehnologice. Incercam sa ne dam seama de potrivirea intre aceasta “deschidere” si felul personal in care vede utilizarea ei, stimulandu-l sa-si simuleze existenta in viitoarea casa. Dupa care pornim la atac incercand sa ne fortam permanent limitele (ale noastre si ale clientului) si totusi sa ne pastram undeva in zona identitatii lui culturale.

Arhitectul, clientul si valoarea creatiei de arhitectura                                                                                                   2012 © Asdesign 95